3 Hoosac St
Adams MA 01220
North American Birds of Prey
When: Thursday, August 5th at 11:00am
Where: Outside at the Adams Council on Aging at 3 Hoosac Street in Adams.
Strictly for children aged 6 & up. Registration is required. To register call the library at (413) 743-8345.
Featuring five to six live birds of prey (owls, falcons, hawks), held under Wingmasters’ rehabilitation and education permits.
Birds of prey are also known as raptors, and they are hunting birds characterized by hooked beaks and powerful grabbing feet armed with sharp talons. Raptors can also boast the best eyesight and the sharpest hearing in the animal kingdom, and include hawks, falcons, and owls. This presentation incorporates 7 live birds of prey, all native to New England, gives an overview of these different categories.
For the birds’ well-being and for the safety of the audience, the raptors are handled only by Julie Anne Collier and Jim Parks, and are under their control at all times. They are never flown for demonstration. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Cultural Adams Council of Northern Berkshire, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Adams Council, a state agency.
Library events are free and open to the public. An adult must accompany children under 8 years of age. Attendance at library programs constitutes consent to be photographed; photos may be used in print or electronic publicity for the Adams Free Library.