When: Wednesdays in September at 10:30AM
Where: On Zoom. Contact Molly at the Southwick Public Library to sign up by phone: 413-569-1221 x103 or by email at: mencarnacion@cwmars.org
In this Virtual Baby Sign Language class caregivers will learn how to reduce frustration and help give their babies the ability to communicate before he/she can speak. The instructor, Shreryl, will review research and benefits, teach and give you a chance to practice several signs, demonstrate signing to the babies, and learn how to teach your baby American Sign Language. For parents/caregivers with pre-verbal children ages 4 months and up.
The training that Sheryl received was baby development, ASL, Joseph Garcia’s Baby Sign Program, Baby Massage through IAIM, Mindfulness, and Reiki training. She began teaching these classes in 1999. She has appeared in the business anthology “Expert Profiles” and dozens of media outlets including CBS Boston, The Boston Globe, Massage Magazine, MetroWest Daily News, School Library Journal and many more. Her late father-in-law and mentor/trainer was Dr. Burton White, leader in child development and author of the critically acclaimed book on infant and toddler development The First Three Years of Life.