When: Tuesday, November 9th at 7PM
Where: On Zoom. Click here to register.
Since being passed by Congress in 2001, Family History Month as been observed annually during the month of October. Celebrate your family history by joining us as we welcome archivist Rhonda Chadwick of LenaSalina Legacy Preservation for this fourth program on Family History. This lecture is part of a five-part series on Family History and Genealogy. Come to one or come to all of our events in October and November and learn something to help you in your research!
Genealogists and family historians quickly get overwhelmed with the amount of family memorabilia they amass. Learning about the best storage enclosures, environmental controls and digital file formats is a great start, but if all that material isn’t stored properly, access can still be unmanageable or impossible. Using the tried and tested principles archivists use to organize and retrieve massive amounts of information patrons will learn how to create a true archive for their family collections.
This lecture has been generously funded by the Friends of the Scituate Town Library. Through their fundraising efforts, the Friends of the Scituate Town Library make it possible for the Library to offer museum passes to area institutions, as well as a wide variety of programs and lectures for all ages. For more information about the Friends of the Scituate Town Library visit www.friendsofthescituatetownlibrary.org