Norah Dooley Stories from the Neighbors Backpack Flyer
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On SATURDAY, September 19th at 10am your child is invited to enjoy Young Audiences’ Stories from
the Neighbors , a performance by storyteller Norah Dooley, brought us by the Berlin Cultural Council
and the Friends of the Berlin Public Library . Contact for our private link.
In this multicultural storytelling program, folk tales and fables include stories centered around social
justice, immigration, tolerance, and diversity. Stories from the Neighbors embraces the cultural diversity
that is found within our communities and shows children how much they can learn from people in their
own neighborhoods. The LIVE performance culminates with a storytelling game in which the children
find and tell their own stories, discovering how their voice is part of the greater communal voice!
Talk about it! Ask your child about the program – join them in viewing and participating!
You can use
the following open-ended questions to start the conversation:
Tell me about the performance (wait for them to choose their own words).
What was the best part? ~ How did it make you feel? ~ What surprised you? What are you still wondering about? How can we learn more about that?